Saturday, September 29, 2012

Speaking of the Kurdish Nation...

In Geography, we've been discussing the Kurdish nation as a region that is seeking official recognition from neighboring countries Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey.  Just this morning, the New York Times put up an excellent article complete with graphics and photos on this very topic.  Take a look!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Project Objectives:
·      To read and understand a Shakespeare play
·      To interpret and prepare a monologue or soliloquy
·      To practice your speaking and performance skills
·      To creatively interpret your monologue or soliloquy through a thoughtful video demonstrating your full grasp of the meaning of the monologue or soliloquy.

Project Outline:
·      Read Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. You may buy the English/Italian version if you like; however, you may read a free version through Google Books. Keep in mind, our goal is not to dissect or over-analyze the play.  You will be reading this at home on your own time.  It’s really for your enjoyment.  So have fun with it!
·      Choose a monologue or soliloquy you like from the play. I’ll help you as you go along to understand it’s specific meaning and to work on pronunciation and delivery.
·      Memorize the monologue/soliloquy.
·      Prepare your delivery of the monologue/soliloqy.
·      Deliver monologue/soliloquy in class and present your video interpretation. 
·      Projects are due on December 13th. 

Video Project:
·      Use a home camera to visually interpret your monologue. You must recite your monologue in the video, but memorization is not the major goal here. You should present your monologue in a way that creatively demonstrates your interpretation of it. You can put this video onto a usb key and we’ll make sure it works before you present.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome Prima Liceo!
This year will be an exciting one for all of us.  I'd like you to get started by subscribing to the classroom blog so that you can comment on posts and participate in any blog activities. 

Make sure to check in every week for homework assignments and projects.