Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Project Objectives:
·      To read and understand a Shakespeare play
·      To interpret and prepare a monologue or soliloquy
·      To practice your speaking and performance skills
·      To creatively interpret your monologue or soliloquy through a thoughtful video demonstrating your full grasp of the meaning of the monologue or soliloquy.

Project Outline:
·      Read Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. You may buy the English/Italian version if you like; however, you may read a free version through Google Books. Keep in mind, our goal is not to dissect or over-analyze the play.  You will be reading this at home on your own time.  It’s really for your enjoyment.  So have fun with it!
·      Choose a monologue or soliloquy you like from the play. I’ll help you as you go along to understand it’s specific meaning and to work on pronunciation and delivery.
·      Memorize the monologue/soliloquy.
·      Prepare your delivery of the monologue/soliloqy.
·      Deliver monologue/soliloquy in class and present your video interpretation. 
·      Projects are due on December 13th. 

Video Project:
·      Use a home camera to visually interpret your monologue. You must recite your monologue in the video, but memorization is not the major goal here. You should present your monologue in a way that creatively demonstrates your interpretation of it. You can put this video onto a usb key and we’ll make sure it works before you present.


  1. I like this project, it is fun!!!!

    1. i like it too, but the book is vry difficult to read.

  2. I think is difficult read the book beacause the lenguage is older but i would like to improve !

    1. i would like it too. and i think that the story is very romantic

  3. good Sunday at everyone. xx
