Monday, March 11, 2013

Preliminary Infographics Calendar

Prima Liceo Veicolare - Geography
Ms. Aldigé
Infographics Calendar

Here's a guide to help you make sure you get everything in on time!

Monday, March 25th:
Guiding Questions are due.
Wednesday, March 26st:
Each student must bring two articles each regarding their topic.
Monday, April 1st:
Each student must bring their note-cards with information and statistics extracted from their articles.  Each student must have at least 10 note-cards. 
Wednesday, April 2nd:
Each student must bring the corrected versions of their note-cards to class. In class, you will exchange your information and decide which is best to include in your infographic.
Monday, April 8th:
Rough draft/outline of infographic due.
Wednesday, April 15th:
Rough draft of individual theme due.  Group revisions of infographic due.
Wednesday, April 22nd:
Final draft of infographic due.
Monday, April 23rd:
Final draft of individual theme due.  Presentations begin.
Wednesday, April 26th:
Presentations continue.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A World without Oil

"Aftermath" - National Geographic
Please respond to the following questions in the comments section.  Write carefully! I'm grading your responses.

Discussion Questions
1. Why do prices "sky-rocket" when the oil runs out?
2. How does the catastophe affect the job market?
3. Why do stock markets close?
4. How does the lack of oil affect transportation, and what are the consequences?
5. How does the lack of oil affect electrical power?
6. How do you think the lack of oil will affect the global economy and what does this say about our dependence on oil?
7. What do you propose we do, as a global community, to prevent such a catastrophe from happening?