Monday, April 22, 2013

Essay Outline

In the post below, you can find the basic outline of a five paragraph expository essay.  I know this outline may feel particularly rigid, but seeing as this is your first ever essay writing project in English, I promise that it will serve as an excellent guide for this and any future project. 

For the next class, I would like you to use this guide to create a bulleted outline of your essay.  You do not have to write in complete sentences but you must include all necessary information.  You will eventually use this outline to write the first draft of your research essay.

Research Essay Outline

Basic Research Essay Writing Cheat Sheet

·         Make a general statement regarding the topic of the essay.  Try to capture your reader’s attention.
·         Provide a MAIN IDEA/THESIS statement in which you state the exact purtpose of your essay.
·         Explain your project/research process.  State how your research has helped you support the main idea/thesis.  (Try not to use “In this essay I will..” or “My main idea is…”)

Body Paragraph I:
·         Topic Sentence (TS).  Here you must provide insight into your topic using your research, which will support your main idea/thesis. 
·         Textual Evidence (TE).  Take an example directly from your research.  Try and use quotes. 
·         Commentary (CM).  Explain how this example supports your thesis/main idea. 
·         CM.  Further this idea and continue to relate it to the thesis. 
·         TE.  Use another example from the passage that not only supports the topic of this paragraph, but the main idea/thesis as well. 
·         CM. 
·         CM.

Body Paragraph II: 
·         TS.  Provide insight into another point of your topic which supports the main idea/thesis statement. 
·         TE.  Take an example from your research that deals with this topic and supports the main idea/thesis. 
·         CM.  Explain why this TE relates/support the thesis/main idea. 
·         CM.  Further your explanation. 
·         TE.  New evidence to support the topic of this paragraph as well as the main idea/thesis statement. 
·         CM. 
·         CM.

Body Paragraph III:
·         TS.  Provide insight into another topic from the passage which supports the main idea/thesis statement. 
·         TE.  Take an example from your research that deals with this topic and supports the main idea/thesis. 
·         CM.  Explain why this TE relates/support the thesis/main idea. 
·         CM.  Further your explanation. 
·         TE.  New evidence to support the topic of this paragraph as well as the main idea/thesis statement. 
·         CM. 
·         CM.
·         Revisit/restate the main idea/thesis statement from the intro, but do it in other words. 
·         Make a general statement about the topic.  Here you could have an opinion or show how your outlook has changed as a person regarding this topic because of the research you did. 
·         Wrap it up.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Revised Infographic Calendar

Prima Liceo Veicolare
Ms. Aldigé
Revised Infographic Project Calendar

Monday, April 8th:
Guiding Questions
Tuesday, April 8th:
Each student must bring two articles each regarding their topic.
Monday, April 15th:
Each student must bring their note-cards with information and statistics extracted from their articles.  Each student must have at least 10 note-cards. 
Tuesday, April 16th:
Each student must bring the corrected versions of their note-cards to class. In class, you will exchange your information and decide which is best to include in your infographic.
Monday, April 22nd :
Students begin outlining infographic in class.
Students must begin to create outline of essay.
Monday, April 29th:
Outline of essay due.
Monday, May 6th:
Revision of Introductions.
Tuesday-Wednesday, May 7-8th:
First Draft of Infographic.

Monday, May 13th:
Bring all infographic materials to class.
Must have your complete outline of your theme.
Monday May 20th:
Must have first draft of theme.
Thursday May 23:
Must have final infographic.
Monday May 27th – Thursday May 30th:
 PRESENTATIONS! Self Assessments. Final Theme due on Monday.